Jim joined the Austin office of McGuireWoods Consulting in May 2018 as a vice president in the State Government Relations group. He assists clients with legislative and regulatory matters before the Texas Legislature and various regulatory agencies and boards.

Prior to joining McGuireWoods Consulting, Jim most recently served as Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs for the Texas Retailers Association. In that capacity, he was the association’s lead lobbyist and government relations representative overseeing all legislative, regulatory, political and PAC activities.

In addition to his private sector experience, Jim also possesses significant public sector experience having served as the Director of Legislative Affairs for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Chief of Staff to State Senator Joan Huffman, Deputy Division Chief of the Intergovernmental Relations Division under Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, and Chief of Staff and Chief Clerk to State Representative Craig Eiland.

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Jim joined the Austin office of McGuireWoods Consulting in May 2018 as a vice president in the State Government Relations group. He assists clients with legislative and regulatory matters before the Texas Legislature and various regulatory agencies and boards.

Prior to joining McGuireWoods Consulting, Jim most recently served as Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs for the Texas Retailers Association. In that capacity, he was the association’s lead lobbyist and government relations representative overseeing all legislative, regulatory, political and PAC activities.

In addition to his private sector experience, Jim also possesses significant public sector experience having served as the Director of Legislative Affairs for the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Chief of Staff to State Senator Joan Huffman, Deputy Division Chief of the Intergovernmental Relations Division under Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, and Chief of Staff and Chief Clerk to State Representative Craig Eiland.