Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

The environmental, social and governance (ESG) framework has become commonplace in discussions on how a company contributes to the communities in which it operates, how it treats its employees and its leadership diversity. McGuireWoods Consulting is positioned to help companies and organizations meet ESG goals, with a focus on how to implement tenets of the ESG framework into your business.

We help companies maximize their ESG efforts by analyzing the public affairs and ESG landscape relevant to our client’s business and creating ESG content that is easily digestible to multiple audiences, including investors, rate and ranker organizations, local leaders and community members, and state and federal regulators.


With experience at the federal, state and local levels, McGuireWoods Consulting works with clients on climate change initiatives, renewable energy, energy efficiency, air quality, waste management, water depletion, changes in land use and environmental justice.

Powering Renewable Energy Solutions

Navigate state policies and local politics with MWC to move a renewable energy project forward. Educate communities, government officials and staff regarding the true impacts of solar development projects. MWC’s team manages comprehensive communications efforts and community assessments, generating positive community support and encourage engagement in the local permitting process.

Environmental Justice

From tracking legislation on environmental justice initiatives across the country, providing federal policy insights and assistance with the environmental permitting process, to grassroots advocacy and education for public meetings, McGuireWoods Consulting is on the forefront of helping organizations navigate state and local guidance on environmental justice.


Our team can help guide and implement programs related to a number of social issues, including employee engagement, community relations, supply chain management, racial justice and diversity.

Affordable Housing

Our experience includes representing the manufactured housing industry, creating and expanding tax credits for affordable housing, landlord-tenant regulation, finding opportunities for public-private and housing finance opportunities for developers and equity funds, property evaluation structures and successful land use entitlement applications.

Employee Voter Engagement

McGuireWoods Consulting helps companies boost their civic affairs involvement with a non-partisan program to promote voting participation through digital engagement with the company’s branding, candidate forums and updates on voting guidelines.


Crisis management, response to the legal or regulatory landscape, political contributions, lobbying and political law – McGuireWoods Consulting has experience in all of these areas to help organizations establish a sound governance framework for their business.

Government Relations Compliance and Training

MWC provides multi-jurisdictional government relations compliance review, including an evaluation of policies and procedures related to lobbying practices, third-party government relations services contracts, political contributions, and scope and efficacy of a company’s government relations program. Also develops internal lobbying compliance training programs.

PAC Engagement

We help entities of all types of sizes – from Fortune 500 companies to state trade associations – build strong PAC programs that are critical to ensuring your organization holds relationships with key decisions makers and has a platform to share your story. An essential part of this program are engaged, civic-minded employees who understand the value of a strong PAC. Our team can help you create and implement the strategy to build a strong PAC with the right messaging while staying compliant.