10 Takeaways From the Georgia Legislative Session

April 5, 2018

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The Georgia Legislative Session adjourned last week. Read below to learn what changes to expect in the state.

1. Tax Reform

man writing on paper 

Georgia became one of the first states to align its tax code with the new federal requirements —including making the first cut in Georgia history to individual income tax rates.

2. Funding for Education


The QBE formula for public schools was fully funded. Public charter schools received a significant funding increase, and the state’s tax credit scholarship program for private schools also got a major boost.

3. Medical Marijuana Expanded

Medical marijuana expanded to cover some new conditions, and future expansions will be in the hands of medical experts at the state Department of Public Health.

4. Online Taxes


Legislation passed to begin taxing more Internet sales.

5. Transit Services


A new planning and funding structure for transit service in metro Atlanta was created, providing a path for major suburban counties to fund and provide transit services.

6. Computer Hacking

computer hacking

Network tampering is now a crime.

7. Distracted Driving Penalties

New penalties were passed to deter the use of devices while driving.

8. Criminal Justice Reform

criminal justice

Criminal justice laws now include changes to cash bail and non-violent sentencing.

9. Broadband Changes


The legislature advanced a variety of measures for rural broadband, including mapping and allowing EMCs to move into the provision of broadband services.

10. Tipping Fee Increase

Legislation passed to increase tipping fees for some landfills, including several amendments to limit the amount and application of the fees.


To read more about outcomes from the Georgia Legislative Session, including what to expect on the ballot this fall, please read the latest update from the MWC Atlanta team.