Pardon Our Dust
We recently launched this new site and are still in the process of updating some of our archived content. Some details of this article may be incomplete, links may be broken, and other elements may not display properly yet. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
1. Route 15 PPTA may advance in Prince William
Project summary for the Route 15 upgrades in Prince William County. At its May 9, 2006 meeting, it was announced that the county has received a PPTA proposal for the construction and design of the project, and that proposal is currently being evaluated by county staff before it is accepted and advertised.
2. Richmond seeks PPEA for school for disruptive students
A recent PPEA solicitation from the City of Richmond for a new school.
3. Debate continues over Dulles Rail deal
“Done Deal?” Richmond Times-Dispatch, May 15, 2006
“Learning from Pocahontas,” Bacon’s Rebellion, May 15, 2006
“Rail Rip-off,” Bacon’s Rebellion, May 15, 2006
4. Loudoun plans transportation forum
Brochure for an upcoming transportation forum in Loudoun County which will analyze alternative approaches. Notice that Secretary Homer is among the speakers.
5. Loudoun weighs PPEA for public safety projects
“Board To Weigh Public Safety Construction Bid Dan Telvock,” Leesburg Today, May 12, 2006
6. Illinois legislators warn about use of potential concession funds
“Lack of toll-lease deal not hindering fight over funding,” Chicago Tribune, May 16, 2006
7. FHWA report embraces creative approaches to meeting transportation needs
“US Govt anti-congestion initiative highlights role for tolling, investors,” TOLLROADSnews, May 16, 2006
8. Frederick County reconsiders PPEA for pool
“Aquatic Center Plans Set Back with City Dropping Out,” The Winchester Star, May 18, 2006
9. VDOT considers PPEA guidelines
A presentation given at the May 17, 2006 Commonwealth Transportation Board meeting. VDOT expects to have guidelines adopted at the June meeting. These will facilitate the redevelopment of VDOT facilities aside from roads.
10. Transurban official reviews Pocahontas Parkway details for CTB
Presentation by Michael Kulper of Transurban given at the May 17, 2006 meeting of the Commonwealth Transportation Board. He was joined by Deborah Brown of VDOT to explain the benefits of that company’s takeover of the road from the Pocahontas Parkway Association.
11. Loudoun considers PPTA for road projects
“High School Interchange Spurs Rt. 7 Investment Pitch Dusty Smith,” Leesburg Today, May 19, 2006
12. Governor Kaine appears before House Transportation Committee on PPP
Testimony from Governor Kaine to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee regarding Virginia’s public private partnership initiatives in the transportation arena.
13. Governor Kaine announces TPOF grant for Route 28 PPTA
“Governor Kaine Announces TPOF Loan to Speed Completion of Route 28 Interchanges in Loudoun, Fairfax,” Governor of Virginia, May 22, 2006
14. Bedford sells JF bonds despite lingering PPEA doubts
“County approves bond issue for JFHS,” Bedford Bulletin, May 24, 2006