Public Private Partnerships Bulletin

November 2, 2010

Pardon Our Dust

We recently launched this new site and are still in the process of updating some of our archived content. Some details of this article may be incomplete, links may be broken, and other elements may not display properly yet. We appreciate your patience and understanding.





1.  PPTA developers seeks public views on Midtown tunnel tolls and project issues
The following links take you to TV stories about surveys distributed recently by Elizabeth River Crossings, the PPTA team that has entered into an interim agreement with VDOT to develop the Downtown Tunnel/Midtown Tunnel/MLK project.
2.  California to sell state buildings under leaseback deal
3.  North Carolina PPP effort advances (1 link, 1 attachment)
This link to SB 900 and the PPP Commission Bios attached at the bottom of the page are materials from the North Carolina legislature about legislation that recently passed to create a study group to look at passing PPEA-type legislation in the state in 2011.  The study group will be important to advancing this cause.

7.  VDOT seeks comments on revised PPTA guidelines

Go to this link for the revised draft of the PPTA guidelines for use by Virginia’s transportation agencies.  Public comments are welcome.

8.  U.S. Treasury issues report on infrastructure development opportunities

9.  Partnerships interest builds as governments face fiscal issues (1 article, 1 attachment)

Attached at the bottom of this page are letters from Mayor Fraim and Delegate Oder about the HRBT project which is profiled in this article from the Wall Street Journal.

17.  USDOT issues TIGER II awards

Click here to see the list of the recently announced Tiger II grants.

18.  Alternative Procurement Report given by HRSD

Attached at the bottom of the page is a great presentation given at WESTEC 2010 by Bruce Husselbee from the Hampton Roads Sanitation District about the group’s recent experience with the PPEA.  It is a good handbook for public agencies and how to best use the process.

19.  City Council kills Pittsburgh parking deck sale

20.  Discussion continues regarding Richmond jail PPEA site (2 articles)

Residents push back on Richmond jail at East End site

Richmond Times-Dispatch

Michael Paul Williams: New jail should be built at the current site – and now

Richmond Times-Dispatch

21.  VDOT formally accepts PPTA proposals for Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel (2 articles)
VDOT accepts proposal to expand HRBT
VDOT seeks Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel proposals
Daily Press
22.  81 corridor states meet to address expansion needs