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Economic Development
GREENSBORO NEWS & RECORD: Gov. Cooper Announces $462.9 Million in Clean Water and Wastewater Infrastructure
Last week, Gov. Roy Cooper announced $462.9 million in funding for 249 infrastructure projects in 80 communities statewide that will strengthen North Carolina’s drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems. As part of this announcement, Governor Cooper and NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Secretary Elizabeth S. Biser toured water and wastewater treatment facilities in Davidson and Jackson counties.
THE NEWS & OBSERVER: NC House GOP revives anti-CRT bill, saying it will promote ‘equality in education’
North Carolina Republican lawmakers are reviving an effort to pass an anti-Critical Race Theory bill that was vetoed in 2021 by Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper. House Bill 187, titled “Equality in Education,” was filed on Thursday and says public schools can’t “promote” concepts such as the idea that “one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex” or that “an individual, solely by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive.”
WRAL: New mobile sports gambling legislation expected this week in North Carolina House
North Carolina state lawmakers are expected to introduce new mobile sports gambling legislation as early as this week with supporters optimistic they can reverse last year’s narrow vote against the proposal. More than 150 bills have been filed in the North Carolina House this session, but bill drafters and lawmakers haven’t yet completed work on legislation to legalize sports betting on electronic and mobile devices.
THE SUN JOURNAL: Perry files legislation to require three hours of American History/Government instruction in college
Senator Jim Perry, (R- Craven, Beaufort, Lenoir) Majority Whip of the North Carolina Senate, is a primary sponsor of legislation to require three hours of instruction in American History or American Government for graduation from the Universities in the UNC System and North Carolina Community Colleges.
THE CAROLINA JOURNAL: NC hospital CEO salaries doubled in the last five years
A new report released by North Carolina Treasurer Dale Folwell Wednesday shows that CEOs across North Carolina’s nine largest hospital systems doubled their paychecks in less than five years, half the time than previously thought.
WRAL: ‘Timing is everything’: Why GOP leaders are pushing pot and Medicaid, abortion limits and guns
The 2023 legislative session is only a month in, but already it’s shaping up to be one of the most meaningful in years. In part it’s because of the state’s booming economy opening up new options in the budget negotiations that will start this spring.
WFAE: Electric vehicle registrations grew 54% in NC last year, but still account for tiny share of cars
The number of electric vehicles on North Carolina roads increased 54% in 2022 — a big jump for a single year — but EVs still make up a tiny fraction of all vehicles. A total of 38,374 electric vehicles were registered in North Carolina as of Dec. 31, up from 24,997 rel=”noopener noreferrer” a year ago, according to the state Department of Transportation.