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MWC congratulates vice president Katie Gregory on her appointment to the Fulton County School Board effective January 1, 2023. “With her years of experience in government, Katie is a great choice to help students and schools navigate the challenges of school governance. We are very proud of Katie’s appointment to the Fulton County School Board and her dedication to public service,” said MWC Chairman Mark Bowles.
A member of MWC’s Georgia government relations team, Katie currently serves as chair of the school governance council at Hapeville Elementary School and helped to reinstate the school’s PTA after it became inactive. “We spoke with many intelligent and passionate candidates, and Katie was the right person,” said board President Julia Bernath. Read more here.
The board expressed appreciation for Katie’s work at the state level and her knowledge of public policy. “I am pleased to welcome Katie’s policy expertise and experience working with Georgia legislators. She will add to the board’s skill sets in support of all students,” said board Vice President Kimberly Dove. “I look forward to working with her.”
Through her work at MWC, Katie assists companies with environmental policy, climate change issues, and corporate sustainability goals, including renewable energy. Prior to joining MWC, Katie worked at the Georgia Environmental Protection Division as a manager in the Land Protection Branch, where she focused on air protection.
“It is an honor to be selected for this role. I look forward to representing the schools and the strong diversity in District 3,” Katie said. “I am excited about bringing their voices to the board table.”
Katie’s term will expire in December 31, 2024.