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WNCT: Local farmer becomes first woman with the N.C. Farm Bureau to serve a national leadership position
People in cities are not the only ones struggling in the pandemic. Farmers are, too.
WTKR: Agritourism helping boost small businesses, allowing people to travel during pandemic
During a time where the coronavirus pandemic has curtailed tourism and travel and has hit local small businesses like farms and farmer’s markets, agritourism has helped businesses see a boost and travelers get their travel itch taken care of.
Economic Development
WCNC: COVID-19 is not halting economic growth near the new Gastonia ballpark
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, construction hasn’t stopped more than $100 million in economic development at Gastonia’s FUSE District.
WRAL TECH WIRE: $1 billion ‘Innovation District’ to be built at Raleigh’s North Hills
The next level of development for Raleigh’s North Hills will be a 33-acre Innovation District with a value of $1 billion, developer Kane Realty announced Monday.
WCNC: UCPS announced Weddington Elementary students and staff will work remotely until Feb. 5 after five students tested positive for COVID-19.
Union County Schools announced an elementary school in the district will move to remote learning for two weeks after five students tested positive for COVID-19.
ABC 13: Summer nutrition programs offer meals at no cost for NC students while school is out
According to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI), nearly 1 million public school students in the state were eligible last year to receive free or reduced-priced meals through the National School Lunch Program, many of these students relying on these meals as their primary source of food.
CAROLINA COAST ONLINE: School choice could see gains in new legislature
As North Carolina prepares to celebrate National School Choice Week Jan. 24-30, the cause of educational freedom could see even more advancement during the North Carolina General Assembly’s 2021-2022 session.
WECT: NC attorney general clears sale of NHRMC — with conditions
After more than a year and a half of meetings, public forums and discussion, the sale of Southeastern North Carolina’s largest employer and healthcare provider has cleared its final hurdle as state Attorney General Josh Stein announced he won’t object to the transaction — as long as certain conditions are met.
ABC 11: The COVID-19 vaccination process is complex but very few doses have gone to waste, hospitals and clinics say
Despite the delays in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout and understandable frustrations, health care workers across the Triangle say very few doses have gone to waste.
WCNC: NC is getting an influx of applications from healthcare providers wanting to be approved as COVID-19 vaccine distributors
Many healthcare providers wanting to join the COVID-19 vaccine effort are playing the waiting game.
THE NEWS & OBSERVER: Faster internet is a top priority for the legislature. But how can NC get there?
Drive west from the Triangle into the far reaches of Chatham County — where suburban communities give way to farmland — and the available internet speed slows to a crawl that makes working from home into a nightmare.
SPECTRUM NEWS: North Carolina, Catawba Tribe, Ink Casino Revenue Agreement
North Carolina’s governor has signed a revenue-sharing agreement with the Catawba Indian Nation that clears the way for Las Vegas-style gaming to be offered at a planned resort in Kings Mountain, officials said.
NEUSE NEWS: NC Leaders work with ABC Commission to get permit issue resolved
Governor Cooper issued a mandate on March 16, 2020, that forced bars to shut down due to the global pandemic. On January 4, 2021, the ABC Commission revoked the status of 120 bar permits across the state. Yearly permit renewals were due by April 1. As not all bars were able to renew their permits in time, the North Carolina General Assembly passed a bill that allowed a 60-day renewal permit.
WECT: Local transit agencies granted funding to help provide transportation to get COVID-19 vaccination
Approximately $2.5 million in Coronavirus Relief Funding will be distributed to transit agencies across North Carolina to help those who need transportation to get a COVID-19 vaccine, the N.C. Department of Transportation and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services announced Thursday.
WBTW: North Carolina DOT reimbursed $3M for road repairs following Hurricane Florence
The State of North Carolina and FEMA have approved $3 million to reimburse the North Carolina Department of Transportation for road and culvert repairs after Hurricane Florence in Robeson County.