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Your weekly North Carolina political news report.
WUNC 91.5: Post Florence, NC Farmers Turned To Compost To Clean Up
When Hurricane Florence dumped record-breaking rains on North Carolina last year, poultry farmers took a hit. An estimated 4.2 million chickens and turkeys died in floodwaters. Disposing of that many dead birds posed a significant challenge, but farmers, state agriculture officials, and researchers were able come up with a workable solution: Composting the carcasses on site.
THE NATIONAL LAW REVIEW: NC CBD Companies Take Notice: NC Dept. of Agriculture Issues CBD Advisory
The Agriculture Act of 2018 legalized hemp and hemp-derived cannabidiol, or “CBD,” on the Federal level by removing both substances from the definition of “marijuana” under the Controlled Substances Act of 1972. But, that legislation left the regulation of hemp and hemp-derived CBD to state and federal agencies like the United States Department of Agriculture, the Federal Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”), and, if they so choose, applicable State-level agencies.
Economic Development
NEWS & RECORD: Overtime pay for N.C. prison workers skyrockets, raising safety concerns
North Carolina paid prison officers more than $45 million in overtime last year, about 10 times more than it did in 2011, data show.
THE NEWS & OBSERVER: The legal challenges to finishing N.C. 540 across southern Wake County continue to grow
Environmental groups are challenging a state agency’s approval of the N.C. 540 highway across southern Wake County, opening up a new front in their effort to stop the project.
CBS 17: 576,000 gallons of raw sewage flow into Eno River during leak, Durham officials say
Durham city officials say more than 575,000 gallons of raw sewage have flowed into the Eno River during an overflow and leak that has not been repaired.
TRIANGLE BUSINESS JOURNAL: Treasurer Folwell ready to implement new reimbursement policy for health care providers
As N.C. Treasurer Dale Folwell has proceeded with his transformative reimbursement change for the State Employee Health Plan, hospitals and health care providers have been doubling-down on their attacks against it. Now, N.C. State legislators – the only body that stop the plan from taking effect – have begun debating the issue.
NEWS & RECORD: Hardister leads movement to end gerrymandering in North Carolina
Greensboro-area legislator Jon Hardister joined a bipartisan group of N.C. House members Wednesday in a renewed effort to curb partisan gerrymandering.
Constitutional Amendments
THE NEWS & OBSERVER: NC judge throws out voter ID and income tax constitutional amendments
A judge has just thrown out two amendments to the North Carolina Constitution that voters approved in November. One of the amendments was to implement a voter ID requirement, and the other was a cap on the state income tax rate.
THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Another landslide in NC blocks busy stretch of US 74 near the Blue Ridge Parkway
Two days after a landslide closed Interstate 40 at the Tennessee state line, another landslide has spilled onto westbound lanes of U.S. 74 near the Haywood/Jackson County line, the North Carolina Department of Transportation said.
TRANSPORTATION TODAY: Partnership aims to improve bridges in North Carolina
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and North Carolina State University have partnered to learn how to improve the longevity of the state’s bridges.