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Your weekly North Carolina political news report.
CBS 17: NC agriculture officials hold workshop for farmers about hemp as a crop
Industrial hemp is catching on with farmers across the country, including in eastern North Carolina where state officials recently talked to more than 50 farmers about growing the crop.
MOUNTAIN EXPRESS: N.C. farmers urged to apply for $240 million agriculture disaster assistance by Dec. 10 deadline
Farmers with damage and agricultural losses from Hurricane Florence and Tropical Storm Michael may be eligible for disaster assistance from the Hurricane Florence Agricultural Disaster Program of 2018.
WRAL NEWS: UNC leaders propose ‘Silent Sam’ remain on campus in new building
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill officials said Monday that they don’t believe a controversial Confederate monument should be returned to its pedestal on campus.
NC HEALTHCARE NEWS: Lawmakers Move to Reign in Inmate Drug Costs
Changes to how the state’s prison system buys and administers medications for expensive conditions such as Hepatitis C could save the state money, but prison officials pushed back on some parts of the plan.
WLOS: North Carolina governor declares state of emergency ahead of winter storm
The governor of North Carolina has declared a state of emergency ahead of a winter storm he has described as “the real thing.”
Voter ID
NORTH STATE JOURNAL: Bill implementing Voter ID heads to governor
The North Carolina General Assembly has finalized legislation implementing the voter photo identification mandate approved in a statewide referendum last month.