NC Politics in the News

February 5, 2018

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Your weekly North Carolina political news report.


NEWS & OBSERVER: New report praises NC charter schools, marking ashift from previous years

Two years after state education officials were accused of being toonegative about charter schools, a new report praises North Carolina’sfast-growing charter schools and warns of “inequity” in their funding.

ASHEVILLE CITIZEN TIMES: NC class size law causing headaches forschools, changes possible

Most North Carolina legislators and educators agree that smaller classes inearly grades would improve learning.

WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: NC school board delays choosing operator fortakeover school

North Carolina’s school officials are going to keep looking for a companyto run the first academically low-performing school to be taken away fromits local school board.

WRAL-NEWS: NC school leaders ask for budget flexibility as lawmakersexamine school funding

North Carolina public school leaders urged lawmakers Wednesday to give themmore flexibility in managing their budgets, more funding for students withdisabilities and less responsibility in distributing money to charterschools.

WUNC-NEWS: Amid national shootings, NC legislators discuss if armingteachers is best response

A state legislative committee that oversees emergency management heard anupdate last week on school safety measures.

Energy & Environment

NEWS & OBSERVER: Atlantic Coast Pipeline could bring $57.8Mheadache for Gov. Roy Cooper

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline will bring more than natural gas to NorthCarolina. It could bring legal headaches for Gov. Roy Cooper.

WRAL-NEWS: State science panel nearing safety recommendation for GenX

Scientists appointed to advise the state on GenX say they’re getting closeto a recommendation on safety levels.

Health Care

WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: DHHS submits behavioral health strategic plan tolegislature

State health officials last Thursday submitted a strategic plan forimproving behavioral health services with a focus on resolving the opioidepidemic.

In the Courts

NEWS & OBSERVER: Don’t let lawmakers ‘hang on to the fruits oftheir racial-gerrymandering labor,’ challengers say

North Carolina voters soon could find out which election districts forstate Senate and House seats will be used this year.

DURHAM HERALD SUN: North Carolina justices won’t move elections rulingquickly

The North Carolina Supreme Court on Friday refused Gov. Roy Cooper’srequests to accelerate legal action in a power struggle with Republicanlegislators.

ABC-13 NEWS: North Carolina’s top court deciding who runs publicschools

North Carolina’s top court will decide whether legislators can interpretthe state constitution in a way that gives control of about $10 billion ayear in public school spending to an elected schools superintendent insteadof the appointed state school board.

NEWS & OBSERVER: Judge reinstates for NC Supreme Court and appealscourt races

A federal judge decided Wednesday that partisan primaries must go ahead forNorth Carolina appellate court races in 2018, partially halting a state lawthat had canceled them this year.