Tax Policy Update

January 30, 2018

Pardon Our Dust

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Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

Safe, Strong, and Proud. President Donald Trump will deliver his first State of the Union this evening at 9 p.m. ET. The theme of the address will be on building a safe, strong, and proud America. Trump is expected to offer more details on the White House’s immigration plan, which would provide a path to citizenship for up to 1.8 million Dreamers; significantly reduce legal immigration to the U.S.; and establish a $25 billion trust fund for border security.

Infrastructure investment will be the other big topic. In a draft proposal leaked last week, the administration calls for investments by state, local, and private entities and an expansion of Private Activity Bonds, among other things, to help modernize the country’s bridges, roads, and public transit system.

As with his previous address to Congress, Trump will appeal for bipartisanship while putting pressure on lawmakers to get these two priorities done this year.

In addition, the State of the Union will give Trump an opportunity to take a victory lap for the country’s strong economic performance. Look for the president to give himself an A+ on the stock market and job creation. The president is also expected to highlight the immediate successes of the GOP’s new tax law, which have resulted in bonuses for workers and spurred domestic investments by U.S. corporations.

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