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NEWS & OBSERVER: Virtual charter schools were an experiment in NC.Should they continue to stay open?
North Carolina’s two online charter schools are both considered lowperforming by the state, but the leaders of the schools say they should beallowed to stay open on a more permanent basis.
Energy & Environment
WRAL-NEWS: Testing reveals month-old GenX spill in Cape Fear River
Environmental regulators say they’re investigating possible enforcementaction after discovering that Chemours spilled a GenX precursor into theCape Fear River in early October.
WRAL-NEWS: Forest, energy council talk EMPs, power grid
State leaders met Thursday to talk about potential threats to the state’spower grid and how emergency responders and utilities are preparing to dealwith them.
Health Care
WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: NC seeks input on Medicaid from providers andinsurers in reform initiative
State health officials are taking another step toward reform of the N.C.Medicaid program, this time addressing requirements for physical managedcare organizations.
In the Courts
WRAL-NEWS: Cooper loses another round in separation of powers fight
North Carolina lawmakers have the power to give themselves the last word onconfirming Gov. Roy Cooper’s Cabinet secretaries, a state appeals courtagreed Tuesday.
Judicial Redistricting
NEWS & OBSERVER: Senators plan full debate on N Carolina judicialproposals
Senate Republicans on Wednesday promised full but brisk debate with outsideinput on potentially dramatic changes to North Carolina’s judiciary,including new election districts or eliminating head-to-head races forjudgeships.
Municipal Elections
WRAL-NEWS: North Carolina man leaps from protests into politics
In 2016, Braxton Winston stood shirtless with fist raised in front of riotpolice, defiantly protesting a black man’s fatal shooting by a NorthCarolina officer.
NEWS & OBSERVER: Democrats score big in Tuesday’s election – andsay NC is next
In Fayetteville, a Democrat unseated an incumbent Republican mayor whoscrutinized his legal troubles.
ASHEVILLE CITIZEN TIMES: Edwards: Asheville district vote a ‘sham,’ignores law
Voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a referendum question asking ifthey wanted to impose a district election system on the city, but a statesenator pushing the move says the vote was “a sham.”
NEWS & OBSERVER: Six LGBTQ candidates win in North Carolina – onein Trump country
Advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people arecelebrating Tuesday’s election as seven openly LGBTQ candidates won racesacross North Carolina while other candidates made history in electionsaround the country.
MORGANTON NEWS HERALD: Voters undo ‘dry’ county status
Burke County voters overwhelmingly decided to leave prohibition behind onTuesday.
WTVD-NEWS: Raleigh Mayor Nany McFarlane re-elected
With all the precincts counted, Raleigh voters have chosen Nancy McFarlaneto lead the city for another term.
CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Democrat Vi Lyles makes history in Charlottemayoral win
Casting herself as a unifier after two years of tumult, Democrat Vi Lyleseasily defeated Republican Kenny Smith on Tuesday to become Charlotte’sfirst African-American female mayor.
COASTAL REVIEW: Wilmington Port seek state help on rail fix
Last year when the House Select Committee on Strategic TransportationPlanning and Long-Term Funding Solutions took a trip to the coast, membersscouted the clogged New River Inlet on shallow-draft shrimp trawlers.