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Energy & the Environment
WILMINGTON STARNEWS: Chemours ‘urged’ to stop discharging 2 morechemicals
State regulators have asked Chemours to stop discharging two substancesthat continue to be found at high levels in the Cape Fear River even afterthe company stopped emitting wastewater containing GenX.
NEWS & OBSERVER: The end may be near for Outer Banks plastic bagban
The ban on plastic bags at Outer Banks stores is on the edge of repeal.
From the Governor’s Office
WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: NC Gov. Cooper signs orders to help gasolinesupply
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper has signed executive orders to ensuregasoline gets in and through the state, and that motorists don’t get rippedoff at the pump.
Health Care
CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Carolinas HealthCare System joining with UNC toform hospital giant
Carolinas HealthCare System, the Charlotte region’s dominant hospitalchain, will partner with UNC Health Care of Chapel Hill to form a medicalgiant — one that leaders of the two systems predict will expand access tocare, improve quality and boost the state’s economy.
In the Courts
WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: Top NC court weighs lawmakers stripping ofgovernor’s powers
North Carolina’s highest court on Monday tackled the question of how farthe Republican-led legislature can go to minimize new Democratic Gov. RoyCooper’s ability to pursue goals that helped him get elected last year byreshaping state government.
Lawmakers Hold Special Session
CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: Lawmakers set to return to Raleigh – again
State lawmakers left Raleigh on Thursday with plans to return in Octoberfor the third time since their regular session ended in June
WUNC-NEWS: NC redistricting maps OKd, head to judges next
The Republican-led General Assembly has given final approval to newpolitical boundaries in largely party-line votes.
WRAL-NEWS: Senate overrides a pair of Cooper vetoes
The General Assembly overrode two more of Gov. Roy Cooper’s vetoesWednesday night as the state Senate voted to back the measures on a pair ofparty-line votes.
WUNC-NEWS: Conservative stalwart Millis resigning from NC House
A key advocate in the North Carolina House on gun rights and immigrationplans to leave the legislature later this month, saying he needs to be athome for his family.
WRAL-NEWS: Citing redistricting, Republican Sen. Cook won’t run again
An eastern North Carolina senator won’t seek re-election next year afterproposed legislative boundaries drawn by fellow Republicans put him in aDemocratic-leaning district with a Democratic incumbent.