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Elections & Redistricting
WUNC: Here’s what you need to know about redistricting in NC
Last Friday, lawmakers released the county groupings that will be used todraw new maps.
WRAL-NEWS: Redistricting criteria call for partisan maps, noconsideration of race
Map makers can use election data to achieve political goals as they redrawNorth Carolina’s legislative districts, but they’re forbidden fromconsidering voters’ race under criteria approved Thursday by the House andSenate committees overseeing the process.
WILMINGTON STAR NEWS: Senators ask Cooper to prove GenX request
Republican state senators, including the region’s two members, questionedthe necessity of Gov. Roy Cooper’s request for nearly $2.6 million torespond to the presence of GenX in the Cape Fear River.
DURHAM HERALD SUN: NC poised to test what critics call a ‘snowblowerblowing garbage juice’
Three North Carolina landfills have the green light to collect liquid thatleaks from trash and spray it into the air.
From the Governor’s Desk
WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: Cooper signs worker misclassification, tax billsinto law
Gov. Roy Cooper says legislation he signed will help North Carolina workerswhen employers intentionally misclassify them as independent contractors toavoid paying taxes and other benefits.
Health Care
THE NEWS HERALD: North Carolina leaders put more meat on Medicaidproposal
Gov. Roy Cooper’s administration wants the state’s pending Medicaidoverhaul to integrate physical and mental health treatment more quickly andexpand coverage to more of the working poor in North Carolina, according toits plan unveiled Tuesday.
In the Courts
NEWS & OBSERVER: Cooper: Parts of NC’s budget for education,environment are unconstitutional
After his veto of the new state budget was thwarted, North Carolina Gov.Roy Cooper has now told a court that parts of that budget areunconstitutional.
WBTV-NEWS: Public anger of I-77 toll lanes could be reason to killcontract, DOT consultant says
An N.C. Department of Transportation consultant said Thursday thatopposition to the Interstate 77 toll lane project is so intense that itwould be a “potential justification” for canceling the project entirely.