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CHARLOTTE BUSINESS JOURNAL: Here’s how NC stacks up among US states forfiscal strength
North Carolina improved in this year ranking of states’ “fiscal condition”produced by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.
THE ROBESONIAN: Analysis: New budget creates a 1B shortfall
The newly approved North Carolina budget with its tax cut plan couldcontribute to a $1 billion-plus annual gap between revenues and projectedgovernment expenses by 2020, according to an analysis by the GeneralAssembly’s nonpartisan staff.
ASHEVILLE CITIZEN TIMES: In energy bill, Cooper faces renewable dilemma
Energy legislation on North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s desk presents himwith a decision that could force him to choose between buttressing thestate’s bright solar industry and nurturing its nascent wind powerbusiness.
WRAL-NEWS: State to form science board to review chromium standards
State environmental officials announced Wednesday night they plan toconvene a science advisory board to specifically examine health and safetystandards for contaminants like chromium associated with private wells nearcoal ash ponds.
From the Governor’s Desk
WRAL-NEWS: Cooper vetoes casino night bill, signs traffic stoplegislation
Gov. Roy Cooper has vetoed legislation meant to legalize charitable casinonights, saying he fears the bill would open another door for a video pokerindustry the state has worked to stamp out for years.
THE ROBESONIAN: Britny’s Law toughens penalties for domestic murder
Previously convicted domestic violence offenders who are accused of killingtheir victims could more easily be found guilty of first-degree murder andpossibly face the ultimate punishment under a new law in North Carolina.
NEWS & OBSERVER: ‘Revenge Porn’ protections expanded
North Carolina has expanded protections against “revenge porn” in a lawGov. Roy Cooper signed on Tuesday. In 2015, the state made it illegal topost nude photos online without the consent of the victim after a personalrelationship ends.
In the Courts
RICHMOND COUNTY DAILY JOURNAL: Judges side with new law, superintendentover school powers
A panel of judges has upheld a new North Carolina law shifting many powersto run the public schools away from the State Board of Education to theelected superintendent, saying it stayed within the division of educationresponsibilities set in the state Constitution.
WITN-NEWS: Hearing on redistricting schedule, election set for July 27
A federal court has called a hearing for this month as its judges determinewhen new North Carolina legislative districts should be redrawn by theGeneral Assembly and whether a special election under altered boundaries iswarranted.
Local Government
WNCT-NEWS: New Bern nixes alcohol sales before Sunday at noon
Sunday brunch will stay the same in New Bern after the City Council failedto give the go-ahead to the brunch bill ordinance, leaving alcohol sales tobegin at noon on Sunday.