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McGuireWoods Consulting sponsored a reception on June 20 at the Embassy ofRomania in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with the SelectUSA InvestmentSummit, a high-profile event that connects global companies and U.S.economic development organizations to facilitate business investment in theUnited States.
As a part of the three-day summit, the U.S. Ambassador to Romania broughtover 23 delegates from 17 companies in Romania that cover a wide range ofindustries including technology, biotechnology, retail, research anddevelopment, energy efficiency and financial services.
Speaking at the reception, McGuireWoods Consulting presidentL.F. Paynetold attendees that the firm has been present in Romania for more than 10years and has “been helping enhance the strategic partnership between ourcountries by working with both U.S. and Romanian companies, helping themgrow and solve complex problems they have been facing.”
Senior vice presidentNadia Crisan, who leads the firm’s international practice in Washington and serves asmanaging director of McGuireWoods Romania, organized the reception. Sheworked for the Romanian Embassy before joining McGuireWoods Consulting.
From left to right: L.F. Payne, McGuireWoods Consulting; George Maior, Romania’s ambassador to the United States; Ilan Laufer, Romania’s State Secretary for Foreign Investments; and Hans Klemm, the United States’ ambassador to Romania
Photo credit: Embassy of Romania.