NC Politics in the News

June 5, 2017

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WRAL-NEWS: Expansion of vouchers sparks debate

House and Senate Republican leaders are planning to expand the state’sschool voucher program by nearly one-third next year, but Democrats say themoney should be spent on reducing class sizes in public schools instead.

NEWS & OBSERVER: Elementary and middle school math set to change

Students in kindergarten through eighth grade will learn math according torevised state standards beginning in 2018.


WRAL-NEWS: Hurricane, vote challenged prompt push for changes to NCelection rules

Events from last fall might wind up being felt for years to come duringNorth Carolina elections.

House Budget

NEWS & OBSERVER: NC House votes 80-31 to approve budget, withsupport from a few Democrats

The N.C. House voted 80-31 to approve its budget proposal shortly aftermidnight Thursday.

NEWS & OBSERVER: A McCrory jobs initiative survived a rocky startand may get money to expand its reach

Republican budget writers are pleased enough with the state’s experiment ina public-private venture to attract new jobs that they propose to spend anadditional $5 million on it in the next two years.

NEWS & OBSERVER: NC House moves to shift road funding to newcharter school bus grant

A proposal to move money from road maintenance to a new grant program forcharter schools divided the House Appropriations Committee Wednesday.

SALISBURY POST: NC House’s budget plan doesn’t make tax cuts as deep asSenate’s

North Carolina House Republicans on Tuesday unveiled a tax plan for thenext two years that’s more modest than the Senate’s proposal from earlierthis month, offering a small income tax break to individuals and targetingkey industries they want to grow.

In the Courts

NEWS & OBSERVER: US Supreme Court affirms NC legislative districtsas racial gerrymanders

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected a request from state lawmakers toreview a lower court’s ruling that struck down the 2011 state legislativedistricts, but sent the case back for reconsideration of whether electionsshould be held in 2017 as the lower court ordered.

WRAL-NEWS: Judges dismiss Cooper challenge to elections board overhaul

A three-judge panel ruled Thursday that a law combining oversight ofelections and ethics complaints under one board could move forward.

Regulatory Reform

WNCN NEWS: NC ‘Brunch Bill’ heads to House for possible approval

The so-called “Brunch Bill” passed the North Carolina Senate last week andis now on its way to the House.

WNCN NEWS: NC bill would allow concealed guns without a permit

North Carolina lawmakers are considering eliminating the requirement thatpeople must have a permit to carry a concealed handgun.

NEWS & OBSERVER: Faster 5G wireless networks would get green lightunder NC House bill – but some fear health effects

Legislation that passed the N.C. House Tuesday would smooth the way forwireless providers to upgrade to faster 5G service, but the bill promptedconcerns that it strips local governments of control and could pose healthconcerns.


WILMINGTON STAR NEWS: ‘Megaproject’ bill killed by NC Senate

A bill that would have established a funding mechanism for largetransportation projects beyond established state funding limits — like thelong-discussed plan to build a new Wilmington bridge over the Cape FearRiver — was killed by the State Senate Thursday afternoon.