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Budget, Revenue and Economic Development
NEWS & OBSERVER: NC revenue surplus grows to $580.5 million asSenate finalizes budget
Legislative budget writers will have more funding to work with after NorthCarolina’s projected revenue surplus grew slightly to $580.5 million,according to projections released May 5.
CHARLOTTE OBSERVER: HB 2 didn’t stop NC from topping a ‘prosperityranking’
Acknowledging that it will “come as a shock to some” given the furor thatenveloped the state after the controversial House Bill 2 became law lastyear, Site Selection magazine has ranked North Carolina tops in economicdevelopment.
ASHEBORO COURIER TRIBUNE: NC gave out record $245M in energy taxbreaks; here’s who benefited
North Carolina residents and businesses claimed a record quarter-billiondollars in tax credits for renewable energy projects last year.
DURHAM HERALD SUN: Gov. Cooper committing to working with private NCeconomic recruiter
Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper said Tuesday he’ll work with the new privatenonprofit to attract companies to North Carolina, rather than cancel itscontract and risk further instability to the state’s economic brand in partin the aftermath over House Bill 2.
WRAL-NEWS: NC superintendent praises, criticizes staffing changes atstate education department
The State Board of Education voted on several major staffing changes at thestate education department Thursday, drawing both praise and criticism fromSuperintendent of Public Instruction Mark Johnson.
Election Law
State election officials say they’re taking steps to avoid some problemsseen during November’s election by improving procedures for publishing votecounts and removing active felons from voter rolls.
Governor’s Desk
WFAE-NEWS: Gov. vetoes protections for hog farms, signs reform bill
Gov. Roy Cooper has vetoed a bill that would limit the amount of damagesnearby property owners can collect if a court rules that smells from hogand poultry farms are a nuisance; the governor also has signed aRepublican-backed bill that rolls back some state regulations on theenvironment, business and government agencies.
In the Courts
WBTV-NEWS: Appeals court upholds Charlotte I-77 toll lane deal
The state Court of Appeals has rejected a legal challenge to a projectadding toll lanes along a Charlotte-area interstate, ruling Tuesday thatthe state acted lawfully when it made the deal with a private tolloperator.
Justice & Public Safety
WTVD-NEWS: NC Chief Justice urges passage of ‘raise the age’legislation
Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Martin urged legislators Monday not to letNorth Carolina become the only remaining state that automatically tries 16-and 17-year-olds in criminal court, but to pass legislation aligned with arecommendation of a commission he organized.
Military Affairs
WRAL-NEWS: Federal grant to help limit development near NC militarybases
North Carolina will receive more than $9 million in federal funding toprotect areas around military bases, Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxlersaid Tuesday.
Poll Released
FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER: Elon Poll: 48 percent approve of Roy Cooper’sjob performance
The latest Elon University Poll has found a near majority of voters — 48percent — believe first-term Gov. Roy Cooper is doing a good job.
State Employee Benefits
NEWS & OBSERVER: Limiting NC retirement benefits will hurt stateemployees, critics say
Ending government pensions for future state employees and teachers wouldmake it hard for the state to fill jobs, workers’ representatives warnedstate senators as they discussed a proposal to limit retiree benefits.
UNC Basketball Honored
WITN-NEWS: UNC men’s basketball team honored by governor, GeneralAssembly
The national champion University of North Carolina men’s basketball teamwas honored by the governor and state lawmakers Wednesday.