NC Politics in the News

March 20, 2017

Pardon Our Dust

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WLOS NEWS: Senate confirms Cooper choices for DOT, public safety agency

Three members of North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper’s Cabinet have now beenconfirmed by the state Senate after strong support in the chamber fordepartment heads overseeing transportation and public safety.


DURHAM HERALD-SUN: State senate promotes NCCU trustee Darrell Allisonto UNC system Board of Governors

One of NC. Central University’s trustees is getting a promotion, and willbe joining the UNC system’s Board of Governors as of Monday.

NEWS & OBSERVER: 14 House nominees up for UNC Board of Governors

Fourteen people have been nominated in the House for six seats on the UNCBoard of Governors.

WILMINGTON STAR NEWS: Schools scramble to meet N.C.’s new class sizerule

For months North Carolina’s superintendents have begged legislators to walkback a requirement to cut class sizes in the lower grades. With timerunning out, local school districts are bracing for the worst-case scenario– pulling millions of dollars worth of teachers, classrooms and suppliespractically out of thin air.

WRAL NEWS: NC Superintendent: State board ‘will not budget’ over powerstruggle

As the State Board of Education and state superintendent continue todisagree over who should have more power over North Carolina’s publicschool system, it’s unclear whether they will be able to settle theirdifferences outside of a courtroom.


ASHEVILLE CITIZEN-TIMES: Republicans roll out tax plans, led bySenate’s $1B offer

Republicans at the North Carolina legislature have started rolling outtheir tax cut ideas, and Senate finance chiefs offered more income tax ratereductions and other breaks they estimate would save the public about $1billion over two years.

NORTH STATE JOURNAL: Senate passes bill to let voters decide whether tocap state income tax

N.C. Senate lawmakers passed a constitutional amendment Wednesday that capsthe amount that the state can raise income taxes.

Health Care

NEWS & OBSERVER: New state health leader Mandy Cohen makes opioidtreatment a priority

Dr. Mandy Cohen, the new state Department of Health and Human Servicessecretary, has made tackling opioid addiction in the state a top priorityfor the department.

WRAL NEWS: Doctors, nurses face off over supervision requirement

An effort to free some advanced practice nurses from physician oversight isbeing roundly criticized by North Carolina doctors groups.

In the Courts

NEWS & OBSERVER: GOP angles for more Republican judges in urbanareas

Hoping to improve their chances of electing Republican judges in a liberalpart of the state, two Mecklenburg County state senators introduced a billThursday that would split a judicial district in that county into three.

WRAL NEWS: Cooper rejects bill to make NC judicial elections partisan

Gov. Roy Cooper has used his veto for the first time to reject a bill thatwould make races for Superior Court and District Court judgeships partisan.

WTVD NEWS: Judges give partial wins to GOP, Gov. Cooper in powerstruggle

North Carolina judges issued partial victories Friday to both Republicanlegislators and new Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper over laws designed toundercut his powers.

Regulatory Reform

NEWS & OBSERVER: Deregulation bill resurrected from last session

This year’s version of last year’s deregulation bill is moving through thestate legislature.

WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL: NC craft brewers could produce more beer under abill sponsored by Forsyth legislator

North Carolina’s craft beer brewers could produce more than four times asmuch beer if a bill introduced this week in the state Senate becomes law.