Tax Policy Update

September 29, 2015

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NUMBER OF THE WEEK: 10 percent. Rate of the one-time deemedrepatriation tax on U.S. multinationals’ foreign earnings under GOP presidentialcandidate Donald Trump’s tax plan released Sept. 28. The revenue raised throughrepatriation would be used toward drastically cutting the corporate tax rate to15 percent and the top individual rate to 25 percent. Keep reading for moredetails about the Donald’s plan and how it stacks up to others in the 2016field.


Speaker Shake-Up: What Boehner’s Departure Means for Tax Policy. HouseSpeaker John Boehner’s surprise announcement last Friday that he would beleaving the speakership (and Congress) at the end of October sparked amini-mutiny among House Republicans. What does all of this mean for the futureof tax policy?

Cadillac Tax Debate Revs Up. Twelve Senate Democrats have joined thelatest push to repeal the 40 percent excise tax on high-cost, employer-sponsoredhealth plans…

Ways and Means Reconciliation Bill Tackles ACA Taxes. Repeal of theCadillac Tax is also on the deck today for the Ways and Means Committee, alongwith repeal of the medical device tax and the individual and employer mandates…

Talking Tax on the Campaign Trail

Over the past several months, some 2016 presidential hopefuls have offered their vision for tax reform—some more complete than others. Here’s a brief recap of what’s been put out there thus far….


Pass-throughs Pay Lower Taxes, Study Claims. Pass-throughs pay less intaxes than traditional C corporations, according to a Sept. 23 joint study bythe U.S. Treasury Department and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)…

U.S. Tax Code Not the Least Competitive…But It’s Close. And it’sconsistent! The United States Tax Code came in 32nd out of the 34 OECDcountries…

Public Hearing on MLPs Proposed Rules Scheduled For October 27. What’snext for master limited partnerships? Certain incomes from processing have comeunder IRS scrutiny…

BEPS Final Package to be Released Next Week. The OECD’s final packageon its Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project comes out on October 5,and it will be presented to the G20 Finance Ministers on October 8…

EU FTT Proposed to Affect Only Financial Companies. The EuropeanFinancial Transaction Tax (FTT) continues to pick up steam heading into 2016…


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