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Join key Washington policymakers, general counsel, in-house lawyers and business leaders for presentations including:
- Hill staffers discussing pending bills
- The D.C. Circuit’s Carbon and Interstate Air Rule cases, by the lawyers arguing them
- Harmonizing State, Federal and Worldwide compliance distinctions
- Lessons from the Gulf, fracking, coal ash, nuclear storage and emerging plaintiffs’ agendas
Space is limited. Reserve your place today. A block of rooms at The Mayflower Hotel have been reserved for a rate of $289. Please make your reservation at 800.468.3571 or 202.347.3000 and mention McGuireWoods to be given the special rate.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
The Renaissance Mayflower Hotel
1127 Connecticut Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C.
To register, click here. To view the speaker line up, click download file. For additional information, please contact Shannon Pharr, 804.775.7844 or
There is no fee to attend. Continental breakfast included.
CLE credit pending.
Download 20120228103506_133_EVTATTACHED.pdf