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1. HRSD opens sewage to fertilizer PPEA project in Suffolk
2. Richmond continues review of PPEA jail proposals (5 articles)
Richmond receives five more proposals for new jail
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Group proposes new jail at former Philip Morris site
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Michael Paul Williams: Invest in education, not incarceration
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Group balks at $50,000 fee for jail proposal
Richmond Times-Dispatch
New city jail will be at current East End site
Richmond Times-Dispatch
3. 95/395 HOT Lanes struggle continues, Arlington lawsuit costs mount (4 articles, 1 attachment)
In addition to the articles below, attached at the bottom of this page is a recent letter from Northern Virginia business leaders asking Arlington County to withdraw its lawsuit. To date, the county has continued to press forward.
Carpoolers don’t want HOT lanes on I-95
News & Messenger
Residents could pay portion to build I-95/395 HOT lanes
News & Messenger
Blocking traffic in Northern Virginia
Washington Post
Legal bills for HOT lanes lawsuit now top $1 million
Sun Gazette
4. Studies continue for new bridge to North Carolina Outer Banks
5. Maryland ICC tolls may be lower than predicted
7. Virginia Tech – NIA PPEA project nears completion
8. North Carolina awards contract to complete I-485 around Charlotte
9. Richmond considers options to rescue city port
10. Virginia project update given by Transportation chief (1 link)
Secretary of Transportation Sean Connaughton gave a recent presentation about various PPTA projects and other transportation initiatives in Virginia.
11. Southeast Virginia Training Center PPEA advances (1 link)
Follow this link for a recent presentation on the PPEA to redevelop the SEVTC project in Chesapeake, Virginia.
12. Georgia allows I-85 HOT lane project to advance
13. Virginia Port Authority executes lease of APM Terminals – Portsmouth project (2 articles, 1 link)
A copy of the lease document can be found here.
Port will pay APM more than $1 billion
Daily Press
Authority approves $865M lease of APM Portsmouth terminal
14. Loudoun County considering funding options for Dulles Rail extension
15. Norfolk mayor pressures state for funds to reduce Midtown Tunnel PPTA toll (1 article, 1 attachment)
A copy of Mayor Fraim’s letter to Governor McDonnell is also attached at the bottom of this page.
Fraim urges McDonnell to make Midtown expansion a priority
16. I-73 environmental work begins in Virginia
17. I-95 tolling issue for Virginia and North Carolina gathers momentum
18. Virginia Beach advances PPEA for new animal shelter
19. Virginia Business examines PPP use in Virginia
20. Virginia eyes plans to improve I-66 corridor (1 link)
This press release from Governor McDonnell reviews several plans to improve I-66 inside the Beltway in Arlington County.
21. North Carolina passes effort to study PPEA-type legislation (2 links)
Follow these links to recent announcements by the Institute for Emerging Issues regarding legislation which recently passed calling for a study of Virginia’s PPEA legislation for possible adoption in the 2011 North Carolina legislative session.
22. Congressman Wolf continues attacks against Dulles Greenway