Governor McDonnell Signs Legislation Developing Criteria for Virtual School Programs

April 7, 2010

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Governor Bob McDonnell today signed legislation SB738 and HB1388 developing the criteria for virtual school programs in Virginia.  This legislation is the second component of Governor McDonnell’s “Opportunity to Learn” education reform agenda that passed the Virginia General Assembly with broad bipartisan support. 

The legislation establishes guidelines for virtual school programs through local school boards throughout the Commonwealth. Virtual school students utilize technology in order to learn full-time through a distance learning environment outside of the traditional classroom.  Felix Sarfo-Kantaka, Missy Neff and Steve Horton worked on behalf of our client K12 Inc., on this important legislation.
K12 Inc., also attended the bill signing ceremony along with bill patrons Senator Steve Newman, Delegate Dickie Bell, and Virginia Secretary of Education Gerard Robinson at Brookville High School in Lynchburg.