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Three surveys in the Virginia Governor’s race conducted over the weekend or this week (between September 25 and September 29) show Republican Bob McDonnell continuing to hold a lead over Democrat Creigh Deeds. Results from each pollster show amazing consistency over the time period, as shown below. Out of eleven surveys, each candidate has in nine cases polled close the same percentage as in their other surveys conducted by the same pollster.
Currently, Rasmussen shows McDonnell up by nine points, 51% – 42%. McDonnell has polled between 48 and 51% in their last four polls. Deeds has been at 41% or 42% in three of the last four surveys.
This weeks release by Public Policy Polling shows McDonnell up 48% – 43%. McDonnell has polled between 48% and 51% in their last four polls. Deeds has polled at 42% or 43% in three of their last four surveys.
Today, Survey USA shows McDonnell up 55% – 41%. McDonnell has polled at 54% or 55% in their three surveys conducted since the primary. Deeds has polled between 40% and 42% in those same three surveys.
Rasmussen: Sept 29 Sept 16 Sept 1 Aug 10
Deeds 42 46 42 41
McDonnell 51 48 51 49
PPP: Sept 26-29 Aug 28-31 Jul 31-Aug 3 Jun 30-Jul 2
Deeds 43 42 37 43
McDonnell 48 49 51 49
SurveyUSA Sept 25-28 Sept 1-3 Jul 27-28
Deeds: 41 42 40
McDonnell: 55 54 55
For more information on these races please feel free to contact Mark Bowles, Eric Finkbeiner or Steve Horton, or any member of our Virginia team.
See for more information.