Public Private Partnership Bulletin

September 9, 2006

Pardon Our Dust

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1. Legislator continues to urge delays in I-81 PPTA implementation

Sen. Hanger weary of delays in I-81 improvement,” News Virginian, September 6, 2005

2. PPEA touted as potential solution to Frederick County school needs

Money Issues Top Frederick County School Board Work,” The Winchester Star, September 7, 2005  

3. Macquarie joins Dulles Rail initiative

The Dulles Corridor Mobility Initiative issued a press release [Word format] announcing that Macquarie is joining its effort to assume control of the Dulles Toll Road. This proposal was sent to VDOT pursuant to the PPTA

4. Dulles Toll Road should bring higher concession payment

How much is the Dulles Toll Road worth?,” TOLLROADSnews, September 7, 2005

5. Clarke County continues evaluating ways to move PPEA schools deal forward

Leach: ‘Grab’ the Byrd site Safety, practice fields still issues,” Clark Times-Courier, September 8, 2005

Letters Reveal Plan to Condemn Land,” The Winchester Star, September 9, 2005

6. VITA PPEA information to be disclosed

State’s IT proposals to be public,” Richard Times-Dispatch, September 9, 2005

7. Loudoun examining options to meet road needs

Supervisors Examine Transportation Funding Options Tonight,” Leesburg Today, September 8, 2005

Loudoun’s Neighbors Describe Their Transportation Bonds,” Leesburg Today, September 9, 2005

8. Additional PPEA proposals anticipated for Herndon development

Town waits for additional bids to redevelop the downtown,” The Connection Newspapers, September 7, 2005