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1. Spotsylvania officials urge action on Route 3 bypass PPTA
“Proposed Route 3 bypass wouldn’t affect battlefield,” Letter to the Editor, The Free Lance-Star, May 31, 2006
2. Indiana Toll Road deal criticism draws response from Governor Daniels
“For Whom the Road Tolls,” New York Times, May 27, 2006
3. Macquarie presentation to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee touts concessions
Last week’s bulletin included information about a hearing several weeks ago in Washington by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on public-private approaches to transportation. That bulletin included the testimony from Governor Kaine. See testimony from D. J. Gribbin of Macquarie at the same meeting.
4. Illinois begins debate over concession approach
“Firm to study tollway lease, State wants to know potential cash benefit,” Chicago Tribune, June 1, 2006
5. Prince William extends Sudley Manor PPTA project
See a recently approved change order from Prince William County extending the Sudley Manor/Linton Hall Drive PPTA project to include additional work for CH2MHill.
6. Pocahontas deal seen as new paradigm for Virginia
“State sees toll road lease as path to ”bigger things’,” The Virginian-Pilot, June 5, 2006
7. Prince William moves ahead with Route 15 PPTA
See PPTA notice from Prince William County for the Route 15 PPTA project. News of this potential project was reported in the last Bulletin.
8. VDOT announces schedule for asset management contracts
Schedule from VDOT for moving ahead with turnkey asset management for various roads across Virginia.
9. Fredericksburg high school PPEA on track
“On time, on budget School takes shape,” The Free Lance-Star, June 6, 2006
10. VDOT issues guidance on PPTA proposals
Available online are several recent memos from VDOT’s Innovative Project Delivery division on how PPTA proposals will be evaluated.
11. VDOT draft PPEA guidelines now available
Last week’s bulletin included a recent presentation to the Commonwealth Transportation Board about VDOT considering PPEA guidelines for non-highway projects. Available online is a draft copy of these guidelines. It is anticipated that these will be adopted at the June 14-15 meeting of the CTB.
12. Indiana airport part of global concession deal
“Global buyout reverberates in Circle City,” The Indianapolis Star, June 7, 2006
13. Virginia revising PPEA guidelines – again!
During the 2006 General Assembly session, Senate Bill 76 was passed to address the FOIA aspects of PPEA and PPTA proposals. View the draft model guidelines which will be reviewed by a work group beginning on June 20.
14. Handley High School PPEA budget troubles continue
“School Board Pursues More Handley Funds,” The Winchester Star, June 6, 2006
15. RFP issued for design of mental health facilities
The Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services issued this weekend the following RFP for design services for 4 mental health facilities. Language had been included in earlier versions of the state budget to permit the use of the PPEA for these projects.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING SERVICES for REPLACEMENT OF FOUR (4) DMHMRSAS FACILITIES Southeastern Virginia Training Center Central Virginia Training Center Western State Hospital Eastern State Hospital – Adult Mental Health RFP No. 06-01 June 4, 2006 The Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services (DMHMRSAS) is soliciting proposals for the provision of full architectural/engineering services as defined and delineated in the Commonwealth of Virginia Construction and Professional Services Manual (July 2004 Edition and all subsequent revisions thereto), for the replacement of four (4) DMHMRSAS facilities: Southeastern Virginia Training Center and Central Virginia Training Center serving severely and profoundly retarded citizens in Chesapeake and Lynchburg, Virginia; and Western State Hospital and Eastern State Hospital that provide in-patient mental health services in Staunton and Williamsburg,Virginia. Contingent on the availability of funds and at the sole discretion of the Owner, this Request for Proposal contemplates the award of up to four (4) separate contracts. Respondents are requested to submit proposals that provide adequate information to permit evaluation on the basis of criteria outlined in the RFP, which includes but is not limited to a Letter of Interest with a statement of qualifications, and standard AE-1 through AE-6 Forms or equivalent. Each facility will be considered individually. Separate proposals must be submitted for each facility. eVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT VENDOR REGISTRATION: The Offeror must be a registered vendor in eVA to be awarded this contract. Offeror must include the cost of the eVA transaction fee in its bid. A more detailed scope of desired services may be obtained from the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, Attention: Joseph Cronin, P.E., telephone number (804) 786-3926,located at 1220 Bank Street, P. O. Box 1797, Richmond, Virginia, or downloaded at: m#ae. Proposals will be received in the Reception Area, at the above address only, until 4:00 p.m. local prevailing time, July 5, 2006. OWNER: Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
Publication Date: 4-Jun-06
16. VDOT extends response period for Route 460 PPTA