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1. Conflict of Interest law to be modified to address PPTA/PPEA issues
Legislation was introduced during the 2005 General Assembly that would have restricted the participation of elected officials, even in their unofficial capacities, from participating in PPTA and PPEA proposals. A working group was convened this summer to examine this issue, and coia.pdf represents that group’s recommendation for consideration during the 2006 session.
2. Roanoke issues RFP for PPEA advisor
The City of Roanoke is looking for an advisor to assist the city with reviewing potential PPEA proposals for school projects. See roanoke.pdf for details.
3. VITA battle over PPEA secrecy continues
“VITA board’s secrecy assailed,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 22, 2005
“Warner’s Credibility Gap,” Bacon’s Rebellion, September 5, 2005
4. Macquarie acquires Dulles Greenway
“Australian Firm Buys Greenway Company,” Washington Post, September 1, 2005;
5. Baliles unveils toll-based transportation plan
See copy of Governor Baliles’ plan.
“Baliles Proposes $1 Billion Toll Plan,” Washington Post, September 1, 2005
6. Clarke PPEA school saga continues, costs escalating
“Supervisors: Clarke School Cost Too High,” The Winchester Star, September 2, 2005
“Katrina Could Raise Price Tag,” The Winchester Star, September 2, 2005
7. Support found for VITA PPEA data center
“Endorsements give hope data center will be located in Wise,” Kingsport Times-News, September 02, 2005
8. Potential VSDB move upsets local legislator
“City delegate threatens state ed board,” News Leader, September 2, 2005
9. Action urged on Virginia’s transportation issues
“Highway fund running on empty,” The Virginian-Pilot, September 2, 2005
10. VDOT looking for innovative solutions to Coalfields Connector project
The following is a link to the Request for Expressions of Interest for private companies to develop innovative solutions for the development of the Coalfields Connector project in Southwest Virginia.
11. I-81 visions debated – rail vs. road
“Submitted Solution: I-81 Plan Considers Safety a Priority,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 21, 2005
“Freight Rail: Alternatives to Lane-Building Make Sense,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 21, 2005
12. Electronic tolling catches fire in DC area
“Electronic Toll-Paying Devices Surge in Popularity in Region,” Washington Post, September 6, 2005
13. Department of Forensic Science receives 4 PPEA proposals for new lab
The new Department of Forensic Science has received 4 unsolicited proposals to develop a new lab in northern Virginia for the agency and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. The project will be located in Prince William County. Copies of the proposals can be found by using this link.