Public Private Partnership Bulletin

August 12, 2005

Pardon Our Dust

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1. VRS urged to invest in Virginia’s infrastructure

We Are What We Finance,” Bacon’s Rebellion, August 8, 2005

2. Dulles Rail costs continue to cause debate

The Cost of Dulles Rail,” Washington Post, August 8, 2005

3. Clarke County receives 3 PPEA bids for high school, begins evaluation

Three Bids Put In to Construct Clarke School,” The Winchester Star,  August 9, 2005

Bidders on Clarke High Bring Different Backgrounds,” The Winchester Star,  August 10, 2005

Price Tag May Not Be as High for New School,”  The Winchester Star,  August 12, 2005

4. Warner administration urges openness on VITA PPEA

Technology secretary wants full bids public,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 9, 2005

No public disclosure from IT board,”  Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 11, 2005

Disclosure for IT,” Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 12, 2005

5. VITA near PPEA contract for data center

Both data center proposals still alive,”, August 11, 2005

6. Stafford’s PPEA high school opens ahead of schedule, on budget

Finishing touches for Mountain View,” Stafford County Sun, August 4, 2005

7. Vote near on Bedford’s Jefferson Forest H.S. PPEA

Vote on JFHS looms,” Bedford Bulletin, August 10, 2005